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Tell The Airlines We Need This!

We have ventured – and been met with 100% total agreeance – that there should be a weight amnesty for books on airline travel. So we have created a petition to encourage Qantas [Jetstar] & Virgin Australia to consider this option.

[Those who just want to put their names down without all the reasons & justifications we intend to outline below, please click here.]

We have always considered it a ridiculous state of affairs that visitors to Adelaide come & explore our wonderful city, stumble upon our literary haven, have a lovely time immersing themselves in the unique atmosphere, but are unable or unwilling to purchase a book for fear of tipping over the excess baggage allowance on the flight home!

Similarly, those who [understandably] can’t resist purchasing a stack of great reads must sweat it out, leave a pair of shoes behind, or pay extra to ensure they don’t go over.

We suggest that, in addition to the standard weight allowance provided for cabin luggage, airline passengers should receive an additional 3kg Book Allowance [there really shouldn’t be a cap at all, but we understand some people may take this a little too far if given carte blanche!]

In a world where so much of what makes life worthwhile is being lost in favour of cost-cutting “efficiencies”, here is an opportunity for airlines to embark on something positive. No more shall we have to hear explanations for taking faddy e-readers on holiday!

We currently have a set of scales in our bookstore so customers can weigh their books, informing them how much extra they can take on their flight. But it’s still not ideal.

It’s time to end this literary shackling!

We hope to get enough support to show the major airlines that books should fly free of charge – please add your name to the list by clicking here.




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